Seventh Day Adventist Church
What does the name of the SDA Christian Church mean?
The name "Seventh-day Adventist Christians" includes two of the most important creeds for our Church.
The first part of the name "Christians Adventists" (from the Latin adventus - coming) reflects the belief in the nearness of the imminent second coming of Christ.
The Christians of the Apostolic Church strengthened their faith with the hope of a speedy coming and confessed it with the exclamation of "Maranatha", which means "Come, Lord!" (Rev. 22:20). Thus, to be an Adventist means to believe and proclaim that the coming of the Lord is at hand (James 5:8).
The "seventh day" refers to the biblical commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, which by biblical reckoning is the seventh day of the week. Sabbath rest is a kind of distinctive sign of our Church, by which we are recognized among other Christian churches.
The Sabbath is like a temple in time. The fourth commandment requires in an uninterrupted series of days filled with important matters and taking care of daily bread, to separate every seventh day for rest and worship of God. We break this commandment when we spend the Sabbath in the daily bustle and forget that we can never find peace in our affairs. True peace and joy of life can only be given by God. Keeping the fourth commandment means remembering that the Sabbath is not our day, but the Lord's day. And it should be dedicated not to satisfying one's selfish whims, but to serving God and neighbors, following the example of our Lord.
What does the Adventist sign mean?
All together means: the Prophetic Word, the Atonement and the Grace of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the gospel message means: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And also the Three Angels' Message:
"And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having an everlasting gospel, to preach to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people; and he said with a loud voice, Fear God, and give Him glory, for the hour of judgment has come. Him, and worship the One who made heaven and earth, and the sea and springs of waters.
And another angel followed him, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, the great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of her wrath of fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: Whoever worships the beast and his image, and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will drink the wine of the wrath of God, whole wine, prepared in the cup of His wrath, and will be tormented in the fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb; and the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever, and they will have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and who receive the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." (Rev. 14:6-12)
What do SDA Christians believe?
the God
Adventists believe in God, revealed through Jesus Christ, as described in the Bible, written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Faith means complete trust in God and acceptance of the gift of salvation He offers. The foundational factor of doctrine for Adventists is faith based on trust. A living relationship with God is essential to faith.
The Bible, written many centuries ago, reveals to us the truth about God. The Holy Spirit has moved the holy men of God in the pages of this book to present the character of God, as well as His desire to save all those who turn to Him. The Bible explains the nature of God and the way in which His followers should live as a result of their relationship with Him.
The essence of the Adventist message is the gospel, God's good news of salvation. The death of Christ on the cross made it possible for man to once again show love and trust in God by accepting His gift of eternal life.
The Creator of the Universe - Christ, formed our world in seven days, creating the first man and woman. The final act of creation, God separated - Saturday as a festive day of worship to the Creator.
The seventh day - Saturday, is given to man as a reminder of God, the Creator and Savior, on this day God invites everyone to come to worship Him. Living on Earth, Jesus kept the Sabbath holy, Adventists, following His example, keep the fourth commandment of the Law of God.
Second coming
Adventists look forward to the soon return of Jesus Christ in accordance with prophecy and His promises. They do not set dates for His coming, that glorious event when Christ will take into His home those who have accepted Him as their Lord.
Life after death
Adventists compare the dead to the sleeping. This definition was given by Christ Himself. When Christ comes, all who have entrusted their lives to God will be resurrected, a wonderful future awaits them - eternal life with God.
Baptism and dedication
Those who accepted not only the way of life offered by God, but also eternal life, testify to this by being baptized (through complete immersion in water), following the example of Jesus Christ. Adventists consecrate their lives to God, keeping His commandments and following God's plan for the good of man.
The Adventist Church runs one of the largest educational systems in the world. The extensive network of educational institutions testifies to the fact that Adventists seek to help humanity in the field of education.
Helping the Society
Through the Adventist Relief and Development Agency (ADRA) and other programs, the church provides practical assistance to those in need, caring for the poor and outcast in many countries of the world, regardless of skin color, religion or nationality. The Church organizes youth camps, community outreach programs, family counseling, and other programs, with a special focus on those who want to overcome addictions to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
Message of Hope
Seventh-day Adventists proclaim a message of hope, emphasizing the quality of life that is fully reflected in Jesus Christ. The most important aspect of faith is communication with others, proclaiming the good news to them and maintaining contact with the worldwide family of God through the global satellite broadcasting system, television, radio, print material and the Internet.
Basic doctrinal doctrines
Seventh-day Adventists base their creed exclusively on the Bible. This creed is summarized in several main points, consistent with the teaching of Holy Scripture. In these provisions, the Church expresses her understanding of the Bible and reveals the teaching contained in Scripture. If necessary, if the Holy Spirit will lead the Church to a fuller understanding of biblical truths or better formulations will be found to convey the teachings contained in God's Sacred Word, appropriate changes and additions to these provisions may be made at the General Conference convention.
one. Holy Bible
Sacred Scripture, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, transmitted in writing by divine inspiration through the holy men of God, who spoke and wrote it at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Through this Word, God imparted to man the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Bible is the infallible revelation of His will. It is a test of character and experience, an authoritative statement of doctrine, and an authentic record of God's actions in the history of our world (2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Tim. 3:16,17; Ps 119:105; Proverbs 30:5, 6; Isaiah 8:20; John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Heb. 4:12).
2. Trinity
God is One. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the unity of three coeternal Persons. God is immortal, omnipotent, omniscient, above all and everywhere. He is infinite and beyond human understanding, yet knowable through His revelations of Himself. He is forever worthy of the worship, honor and service of all creation (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:13; Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Peter 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:17; Rev. 14:7) .
3. God the Father
God the Eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Independent Ruler of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and kind, slow to anger and full of constant love and fidelity. The properties and powers manifested in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also a revelation of the properties and powers of the Father (Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4:11; 1 Cor. 15:28; John 3:16; 1 John 4:8; 1 Tim 1:17; Ex 34:6, 7; John 14:9).
4. God the Son
God the Eternal Son appeared incarnate in Jesus Christ. Through Him everything was created, through Him the character of God was revealed, thanks to Him the salvation of mankind took place, and through Him the judgment of our world takes place. Being forever the true God, He also became the true man, Jesus Christ. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived and endured temptations like a man, yet he was a perfect example of the righteousness and love of God. The miracles He performed were a manifestation of the power of God and evidence that He was indeed God—the promised Messiah. He voluntarily suffered and died on the cross for our sins, taking our place. Raised from the dead, He ascended to minister for us in the heavenly sanctuary. He will come again into this world in glory for the final deliverance of His people and to restore everything anew (John 1:1-3, 14; Col. 1:15-19; John 10:30; 14:9; Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. 5:17-19; John 5:22; Luke 1:35; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 2:9-18; G Cor. 15:3, 4 ; Heb. 8:1, 2; John 14:1-3).
five. Holy Spirit
God the Eternal Holy Spirit worked with the Father and the Son in creation, incarnation, and redemption. He inspired the writers of the Bible. He filled the life of Christ with power. He attracts and convinces people, and those who respond, He renews and recreates in them the image of God. Sent by the Father and the Son to always be with His children, He endows the Church with spiritual gifts, gives her strength in her testimony of Christ, and guides her into all truth in harmony with the Holy Scriptures (Gen. 1:1,2; Luke 1: 35; 4:18; Acts 10:38; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Cor 3:18; Eph 4:11, 12; Acts 1:8; John 14:16-18,26; 15 :26,27; 16:7-13).
6. world creation
God is the Creator of all things, and in Scripture He has authentically reported His creative work. “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,” and all that lives on earth, and on the seventh day of that first week, “he rested.” Thus, the Lord established the Sabbath as an eternal memorial of His completed creative work. The first man and woman were created in the image of God, as the crown of creation, having received the right to own the world and the duty to take care of it. The world, at the completion of its creation, as the Bible says, was "very good" and its perfection proclaimed the glory of God (Gen. 1:2; Ex. 20:8-11; Ps. 18:2-7; 32: 6:9; 103; Heb. 11:3).
7. human nature
Man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God as beings endowed with individuality, power and freedom to think and act. Man, according to God's plan, is an inseparable unity of body, soul and spirit. But although people were created as free beings, their life depended on God. However, by not listening to God, our forefathers thereby refused to recognize their dependence on Him and lost the high position they held before God. The image of God in them turned out to be distorted, and they became subject to death. Their descendants inherit a sinful nature with all the ensuing consequences. They are born with weaknesses and evil tendencies. But God in Christ reconciled the world to Himself, and by His Spirit restores the image of the Creator to penitent mortals. Created for the glory of God, we are called to love Him, one another, and the world around us (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; Ps. 8:5-9; Acts 17:24-28; Gen. 3; Ps. 50:7; Rom. 5:12-17; 2 Cor. 5:19-20; Ps. 50:12; 1 John 4:7, 8, 11-20; Gen. 2:15).
8. great fight
All mankind is involved in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. It began in heaven in connection with the fact that the character of God, His law and the justice of God's government in the universe were called into question. One of the created angels, endowed with freedom of choice in his self-exaltation, became Satan, the enemy of God. This led to the rebellion of some of the angels. Satan created a spirit of opposition to God in our world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. As a result of this sin committed by people, the image of God was distorted in humanity. For the same reason, the created world lost its order and was devastated during the global flood. In the sight of all creation, this world has become the scene of a universal struggle, as a result of which a loving God will be established in His rights. Christ sends the Holy Spirit and faithful angels to help God's people in this great struggle, to guide, protect and strengthen them on the path leading to salvation (Rev. 12:4-9; Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28 :12-18; Gen. 3; Rom. 1:19-32; 5:12-21; 8:19-22; Gen. 6-8; 2 Pet. 3:6; 1 Cor. 4:9; Heb. . 1:14).
nine. Life, death and resurrection of Christ
The life of Christ was lived in perfect obedience to the will of God. His suffering, death, and resurrection is the only possible way to atone for human sins. Everyone who accepts by faith this reconciliation with God has eternal life. All creation can better comprehend the infinite and holy love of the Creator. This perfect reconciliation justifies the justice of God's Law and the mercy of the Creator's disposition. Thus judgment of our sins is accomplished and our forgiveness secured. The death of Christ is vengeful, redemptive, reconciling, and transforming. The resurrection of Christ marks the triumph of God over the forces of evil, and for those who accept this reconciliation serves as evidence of their victory over sin and death. The Resurrection proclaims the Lordship of Jesus Christ, before whom every knee will bow in heaven and on earth (John 3:16; Is. 53; 1 Pet. 2:21, 22; 1 Cor. 15:3,4,20-22; 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15, 19-21; Romans 1:4; 3:25; 8:3, 4; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Col. 2:15; Phil. 2:6 -eleven).
10. Salvation in Christ
Out of infinite love and mercy, God made it so that Christ, who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that in Him we might be made righteous before God. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we recognize our need for a Savior, acknowledge our sinfulness, repent of our transgressions, and by faith accept Jesus as Lord and Christ as the One who took our place on the cross and left us an example.
The faith by which we receive salvation comes to us from the divine power of His Word and is a gift of God's grace. Through Christ, God justifies and accepts us as His sons and daughters and delivers us from the dominion of sin. The action of the Holy Spirit produces regeneration and sanctification in us. The Spirit renews our minds, records God's law of love in our hearts, and empowers us to live holy lives. By abiding in Him, we become partakers of the divine nature and receive assurance of salvation both now and at the judgment (2 Cor. 5:17-21; John 3:16; Gal. 1:4; 4:4-7; Tit. 3:3-7; John 16:8; Gal. 3:13, 14; I Pet. 2:21, 22; Rom. 10:17; Luke 17:5; Mark 9:23, 24; Eph 2:5-10; Rom 3:21-26; Col 1:13, 14; Rom 8:14-17; Gal 3:26; John 3:3-8; 1 Pet 1 :23; Rom. 12:2; Heb. 8:7-12; Ezek. 36:25-27; 2 Pet. 1:3, 4; Rom. 8:1-4; 5:6-10).
eleven. Growing in Christ
By accepting death on the cross, Jesus triumphed over the forces of evil. He, having conquered evil spirits during His earthly ministry, destroyed their power and made their final death inevitable. The triumph of Jesus also secures our victory over these powers that still seek to rule over us as we walk before Him in peace, joy, and assurance in the love of God. Now the Holy Spirit dwells in us and empowers us. In constant commitment to Jesus, our Savior and Lord, we are freed from the burden of past deeds. We no longer dwell in the darkness, fear of the forces of evil, ignorance and aimlessness that accompanied our former life. Having found this new freedom in Christ, we are called to develop our character in His image, communicating with Him daily in prayer, feeding on His Word, meditating on it and His Providence, giving Him praise, gathering in common worship services and participating in the implementation of the mission of the Church. When we give our love to those around us and testify of salvation in Christ, the constant presence of God through the Holy Spirit transforms every minute of our lives and every act into a spiritual experience. (Ps. 1:1,2; 22:4; 76:12, 13; Col. 1:13,14; 2:6,14,15; Luke 10:17-20; Eph. 5:19, 20 6:12-18; 1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Pet. 2:9; 3:18; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Phil. 3:7-14; 1 Thess. 5:16-18 ; Matt. 20:25-28; John 20:21; Gal. 5:22-25; Rom. 8:38, 39; 1 John 4:4; Heb. 10:25).
12. Church
The Church is a community of believers who acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Like the people of God in Old Testament times, we are called out of the world, we unite for worship, for fellowship, for the study of the Word of God, for the celebration of the Lord's Supper, for the service of all mankind, and for the proclamation of the Good News throughout the world. The Church received her spiritual authority directly from Christ, who is the incarnate Word; this authority is also confirmed by the Bible, which is the written word. The church is God's family, and its members, adopted by God, live on the basis of the new covenant made with Him. The Church is the body of Christ, a community of people united by faith, the head of this body is Christ Himself. The church is the bride for whom Christ died to sanctify and purify her. At His solemn return, she will appear before Him as a glorious Church, faithful to all ages, redeemed by His blood, without spot or wrinkle, holy and blameless (Gen. 12:3; Acts 7:38; Eph. 4). :11-15; 3:8-11; Matt. 28:19,20; 16:13-20; 18:18; Eph. 2:19-22; 1:22, 23; 5:23-27; Col. 1:17,18).
13. Remnant Church and her mission
The universal Church is made up of those who truly believe in Christ. But in the last days, during the general apostasy, God called the remnant church to keep the commandments of God and keep faith in Jesus. The remnant church proclaims the coming of the hour of judgment, proclaims salvation through Christ, and preaches the approach of His Second Coming. Her mission of proclaiming the truth is symbolically represented by three angels in Revelation ch. 14. In time, this mission coincides with the judgment that takes place in heaven, and its result is the repentance and correction of people. Every believer is called to personally participate in this universal witness (Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; 18:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:10; Jude 3, 14; 1 Pet. 1:16-19; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Rev. 21:1-14).
fourteen. Unity in the body of Christ
The Church is a single body of followers of Christ, called from every nation, tribe, and language. In Christ we are a new creation. Among us there should be no difference depending on race, culture, education, nationality, social and property status, gender. We are all equal in Christ, Who, through the one Spirit, bound us together and drew us to Himself. We must serve and accept service with an open mind and a pure heart. Because of the revelation that Jesus Christ gave us in Scripture, we have the same faith and hope, the same desire to serve all mankind. The source of such unity is the three one God, who accepted us as His children (Rom. 12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12-14; Matt. 28:19, 20; Ps. 132:1; 2 Cor. 5 :16, 17; Acts 17:26, 27; Gal. 3:27, 29; Col. 3:10-15; Eph. 4:3-6, 14-16; John 17:20-23).
15. Baptism
Baptism is God's institution by which we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and testify that we have died to sin and are now striving for newness of life. Thus, we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior and become part of His people after being accepted as members of His Church. Baptism is a symbol of our unity with Christ, the forgiveness of sins, and the acceptance of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is performed by immersion in water and is admitted to those who have faith in Jesus and have testified to repentance of sin. Baptism is preceded by the study of the Holy Scriptures and the acceptance of the teachings contained therein (Rom. 6:1-6; Col. 2:12, 13; Acts 16:30-33; 22:16; 2:38; Matt. 28:19 , twenty).
16. Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper is the joint acceptance of the symbols of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Savior. When this ceremony is performed, Christ Himself is present, communicating with His people and strengthening their strength. As we participate in the Supper, we joyfully proclaim the Lord's atoning death and His return in glory. In preparation for the Supper, believers examine their hearts, confess their sins, and repent of them. Before the acceptance of the symbols, the service of foot washing is performed, established by our Divine Teacher as a sign of renewal, purification, and as an expression of readiness to serve one another in Christian humility, and also in order to promote the union of hearts in love. The Memorial Service is open to all Christian believers (1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23-30; Matt. 26:17-30; Rev. 3:20; John 6:48-63; 13: 1-17).
17. Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Ministry
Throughout the ages, God has endowed all members of His Church with spiritual gifts, which each must use for the benefit of the Church and mankind. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to each member of the Church according to His will. Thus, the Church becomes capable of fulfilling her God-destined destiny. According to Scripture, spiritual gifts include faith, the gift of healing, the gift of prophecy, the gift of preaching, and the gift of teaching. the gift of government, the gift of reconciliation, the gift of compassion, the gift of mercy and selfless service to others in order to support and encourage them. Some members of the Church are called by God and endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to serve in the Church as pastors, evangelists, apostles, and teachers. Their work is especially needed to prepare members of the Church for service, to bring the Church to spiritual maturity, and to ensure unity in faith and the knowledge of God. When members of the Church use these spiritual gifts as faithful servants of the manifold grace of God, the Church is protected from the destructive influence of false doctrine, grows in God, and is strengthened in faith and love (Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:9-11, 27 28; Eph. 4:8, 11-16; Acts 6:1-7; 1 Tim. 2:1-3; 1 Pet. 4:10).
eighteen. Gift of Prophecy
Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This gift is the hallmark of the remnant church. It manifested itself in the ministry of Ellen White, the messenger of the Lord, whose writings continue to be an authoritative source of truth, serving the Church as comfort, guidance, instruction, and reproof for correction. These writings also clearly state that the Bible is the standard for all learning and experience (Joel 2:28,29; Acts 2:14-21; Heb. 1:1-3; Rev. 12:17; 19:10 ).
19. Law of God
The great principles of the Law of God are set forth in the Ten Commandments and revealed in the life of Jesus Christ. They reflect God's love, His will and intentions in matters of human behavior and his relationship with God and others. They are obligatory for people of all times. These ordinances are at the heart of God's covenant with His people. This is the ultimate standard of righteousness at the judgment seat of God. Through the influence of the Holy Spirit, the commandments lead to the knowledge of sin and awaken the consciousness of the need for a Savior. Salvation is a gift of grace and cannot be earned by works, but a saved person is obedient to the commandments. In this obedience the Christian character is perfected, and the result will be peace with God. It speaks of love for the Lord and our neighbors. Obedience by faith proves that Christ has the power to transform our lives and is of benefit to the cause of the gospel (Ex. 20:1-17; Ps. 39:8,9; Matt. 22:36-40; Deut. 28: 1-14; Matt. 5:17-20; Heb. 8:8-10; John 16:7-10; Eph. 2:8-10; 1 John 5:3; Rom. 8:3,4 ; Ps. 18:8-15).
twenty. Saturday
The merciful Creator, after six days of the creation of the world, rested on the seventh day and established the Sabbath rest for all people as a monument of creation. The fourth commandment of the unchanging law of God requires the observance of the seventh day, the Sabbath, as a day of rest, a day of special worship and service, in accordance with the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of joyful fellowship with God and with each other. It is a symbol of our redemption in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, our faithfulness and anticipation of our eternal future life in the Kingdom of God. The Sabbath is God's permanent sign of the eternal covenant between Him and His people. The joyful celebration of this holy time from evening to evening, from sunset to sunset, is a solemn remembrance of God's creation and redemption (Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-P; Luke 4:16; Is. 56: 5:6; 58:13,14; Matt. 12:1-12; Ex. 31:13-17; Ezek. 20:12,20; Deut. 5:12-15; Heb. 4:1-11; Leviticus 23:32; Mark 1:32).
21. Trusted Management
We are God's helpers. He has entrusted us to wisely manage time and opportunity, ability and property, the blessings of the earth and its gifts. We are accountable to God for the proper use of all these gifts. We express our recognition of God as the Sovereign of all in faithful service to Him and others, and in the voluntary return of tithes and offerings for the proclaiming of the gospel and for the maintenance and growth of His Church. God has given us a special honor, giving us the right to dispose of everything entrusted to bring us up in love and lead us to victory over selfishness and greed. He who wisely manages the gifts entrusted to him experiences joy when, as a result of his faithfulness, others receive blessings (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15; 1 Chron. 29; 14; Hagg. 1:3-11; Mal. 3 :8-12; 1 Corinthians 9:9-14; Matt. 23:23; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Romans 15:26, 27).
22. Christian Behavior
We are called to be godly people whose thoughts, feelings, and actions are in accordance with heavenly institutions. To enable the Holy Spirit to recreate in us the character of our Lord, we seek only that which can produce in our lives Christian purity, health, and joy. This means that our pleasures and entertainments must meet the high standards of Christian taste and beauty. While recognizing the diversity of cultures, we nevertheless believe that our dress should be simple, modest and neat, suitable for those whose true beauty lies not in external ornaments, but in the imperishable beauty of a meek and calm spirit. It also means that since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we should not neglect to take care of them. We need exercise, rest, healthy food whenever possible. We must abstain from the unclean foods indicated in the Scriptures. Since the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs and drug abuse harm our body, we also need to abstain from this. We should strive only for those things that will help us bring our thoughts and our whole being into obedience to Christ, who desires us to be healthy, joyful, and happy (Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 John 2:6; Eph. 5:1-21; Phil. 4:8; 2 Corinthians 10:5; 6:14-7:1; 1 Pet. 3:1-4; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 10:31; Leviticus 11:1-47; 3 John 2).
23. Marriage and family
Marriage, originally ordained by God in Eden, is, according to the teachings of Christ, a lifelong union of a man and a woman for life and love together. When entering into marriage, Christians should not choose their spouse or spouse only among their fellow believers. By entering into marriage, Christians make obligations not only to each other, but also to God. Mutual love, respect, consideration, and responsibility are the foundation of Christian marriage relationships, reflecting the love, holiness, intimacy, and strength of the relationship between Christ and His Church. Concerning divorce, Christ said: "He who divorces his wife not for adultery, and marries another, commits adultery." While life may not be ideal in some families, married couples who commit themselves fully to each other in Christ can achieve intimate union in love as they trust in the guidance of the Spirit and the guidance of the Church. God blesses the family and desires that all in it help each other in achieving spiritual maturity. Parents should raise their children in love and obedience to the Lord. By word and example, parents should teach their children that Christ is a tender, caring, and loving Educator who wants all of them to become members of His Church, members of the family of God. The desire for family unity is one of the hallmarks of the final gospel message (Gen. 2:18-25; Matt. 19:3-9; John 2:1-11; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:21— 33; 6:1-4; Matt. 5:31, 32; Mark 10:11, 12; Luke 16:18; 1 Cor. 7:10, 11; Ex. 20:12; Deut. 6:5 -9; Proverbs 22:6; Mal. 4:5, 6).
24. Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle that the Lord raised up, not man. There Christ performs His intercessory ministry for us. His ministry gives every believer the opportunity for salvation through acceptance of His redemption. sacrificial sacrifice that He once offered on the cross for all of us. Straightaway It was not after His ascension that He became our great High Priest and began His intercessory ministry. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 years, the second and last part of His redemptive ministry began. At this time, the investigative judgment began in heaven, the first stage of the final removal of all sins, which was typified by the cleansing of the ancient Jewish sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that Old Testament ministry, the sanctuary was symbolically cleansed by the blood of sacrificial animals, but the heavenly sanctuary is cleansed by the perfect sacrifice, which is the blood of Jesus. The inhabitants of heaven, thanks to the investigative judgment, see among the dead on earth those who have rested in Christ and are therefore worthy to participate in the first resurrection. At this judgment, it also becomes clear which of those still living on earth abide in Christ, keeping God's commandments, believing in Jesus, relying on Him in the work of salvation, and who. therefore, worthy of life in His eternal kingdom. This judgment confirms the justice of God saving those who play believe in Jesus. The judgment declares that those who remain faithful to God will enter the kingdom of heaven. When this ministry of Christ is completed, the time allotted for people before the Second Coming will also end (Heb. 8:1-5; 4:14-16; 9:11-28; 10:19-22; 1:3; 2:16, 17; Dan. 7:9-27; 8:13, 14; 9:24-27; Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6; Lev. 16; Rev. 14:6, 7; 14:12; 20:12; 22:12).
25. Second Coming of Christ
The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the Church and the majestic consummation of God's work on earth. The coming of the Savior will be literal, personal, and simultaneous for the whole world. At His return, the righteous, who by this time have died, will be resurrected and, simultaneously with the living righteous, will be clothed with glory and ascended to heaven. The wicked will die at that moment. The almost complete fulfillment of the most important prophecies, consistently revealing the history of the world, testifies to the imminent coming of Christ. The time of this event is not revealed, and therefore we must be ready for it at any moment (Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Matt. 24: 14; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 26:43, 44; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; Rev. 14 :14-20; 19:11-21; Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 1 Thess. 5:1-6.
26. Death and resurrection
The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone has immortality, grants eternal life to His redeemed ones. Until the day of the Second Coming, death for all people is a state of non-existence. When Christ, our Life, appears, the resurrected and surviving righteous, transfigured and glorified, will be lifted up to meet their Lord. The second resurrection, the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a thousand years later (Rom. 6:23; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Eccl. 9:5, 6; Ps. 145:4; John 5:28, 29; 11 :31-14; Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-17; Rev. 20:1-10).
27. The Millennium and the Destruction of Sin
The Millennium is the period between the first and second resurrections when Christ and His redeemed saints are in heaven. During this time, judgment is made on those who died without repenting of their sins. There will not be a single living person on earth at that time, but only Satan with his angels. At the end of this millennial period, Christ with His saints and the Holy City will descend to earth. Then all the wicked will be resurrected, who, under the leadership of Satan and his angels, will go to war against the City of God and surround it. But fire will come down from God, which will destroy this army and cleanse the earth. Thus, sin and sinners will forever disappear from the universe (Rev. 20; 1 Cor. 6:2,3; Jer. 4:23-26; Rev. 21:1-5; Mal. 4:1; Ezek. 28: 18, 19).
28. New Earth
In the New Earth, where righteousness will reign, God will make an eternal abode for the redeemed. In the midst of the perfect nature He created, they will live forever in joy and love, growing in the knowledge of God and His creation. The Lord Himself will live there with His people, and there will never be any more suffering or death. The great controversy will end, and with its end, sin will disappear forever. All things, animate and inanimate nature, will testify that God is love, and He will reign forever and ever. Amen (2 Pet. 3:13; Is. 35; 65:17-25; Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:1-7; 22:1-5; 11:15).

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