Baptism is a symbol of resurrection
"Through this baptism in death turned out to be us buried with Christ, so that just as he was power the glory of the Father is resurrected from dead, might And we live a renewed life"
Longstanding and the widely held view that the apostles instituted Sunday in memory of resurrection of Christ, is biblical. The truth lies in that He who rested in seventh day to completion of His work of creation, also rested in this day when He completed His ministry of redemption. Moreover, resting in grave in day between his death and resurrection, Jesus raised that day to height never seen before.
Is it possible that such a weighty, such an important event for the Christian faith as the resurrection deserves special mention? Of course he deserves it! And it found its place in the rite of baptism, when a person is immersed in water grave. This type of baptism includes three main elements of Jesus' return to life: His death, His rest and His resurrection.
We receive water baptism publicly announce our death to the former life of sin: plunging into water, we we symbolically bury our sinful past. When we rising from water grave, we confirm that on really left the old paths to walk in renewed life. Baptism by sprinkling, pouring, or any other means is not bears in yourself these sacred images and therefore not is acceptable.
The model for proper baptism is described in Acts 8:38, 39: “And he ordered stop the chariot. Then both of them, Philip and eunuch, entered water, and Philip baptized him. When they came out of water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. The eunuch is no more saw, but went on his way rejoicing. Also, this example can be supplemented by the baptism of Jesus Himself: “Immediately after the baptism, Jesus went out of water” ( Matt. 3:16 ). Thus, we we get a clear picture of Scripture.
By itself self baptism confer special blessings. But it is a sign for the church, society and heaven, saying that we we place all our hopes and plans for strength and promises made in death, burial and resurrection of Christ.